Sunday, November 22, 2015

We are HOME

Hello There,

   Sorry for the week long blog hiatus, but we were moving all our earthly possessions about 6 miles down the road. And I never knew how many infinity scarves I owned. Or spatulas. Or pens. Ya'll, it was a lot. But, we are officially here and way more settled than I could have imagined since I woke up in a different zip code yesterday. Friday I left school right when the kids did (but had to take a half day since we had meetings....don't even ask me how I annoyed I was by that) and met my mom at the new place. She was helping to keep me company and unpack a few things while the Ikea guys set up our bedroom furniture. I could not believe all the tiny pieces. It took 3 professional men 4 hours, which, when calculated  to "Leslie and AJ doing it ourselves time" works out to approximately 43 years. Thank the Lord for people who can do things like that. Saturday we were up and at 'em early and AJ and his pal got all of the big pieces in the Uhaul and in our new place by 11:30. Oh yeah. I was the official door holder. I got out of doing most of the heavy lifting so it was already shaping up to be an excellent day at that point. My fam came over in the afternoon and my dad and AJ hung stuff on the walls and my mom was having a blast cleaning and helping me nest. Comcast arrived right on schedule (because what's a new home without a full DVR, amiright?) and then when we all had enough, we went to dinner, did a quick Walmart run, and ended the night with Patti Labelle sweet potato pie because I have watched this video about 5698 times and anything this guy is advertising, I need. Basically.

I will be sure to post pics soon, but in the meantime, I'm just going to enjoy my vanilla latte, make a massive grocery list, and wait for our washer and dryer to be delivered this morning. It feels good to be home.

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