Christmas break ends on Wednesday and it has been a great one! Break could not have come at a better time. I so needed a little breather, time with my guys, family, and plenty of rest and relaxation. This break was so wonderful. I thought I'd organize this recap by day. Here we go! Get ready for lots of pictures....
Before Christmas, we relaxed, Hank got his first ever haircut, we ran lots of errands, and we went to visit the aquarium with some friends. So fun!
I adore slow mornings with these gentlemen |
On Christmas Eve, we went for a long walk, watched The Grinch, and put together our traditional Christmas morning French Toast Bake.
Santa came! Since we didn't put up a big tree this year, we brought down one of the pine trees from Hank's room. Easy peasy. I love his plaid reindeer stocking, we bought it at the coast last summer. |
Christmas morning, after we opened gifts and got cleaned up, we headed over to my parent's house. Hank was super excited to see a big tree! My family hosted a wonderful dinner and spoiled us all. We had a great time.
By the end of the evening, Hank was 110% done. Poor buddy! |
snuggles with grandma |
Early the next morning, we headed to the airport to visit AJ's family in Redmond! It was a quick and uneventful flight and we got to Oregon in the early afternoon. It was fun to spend time together and Hank had his third Christmas. Ha!
When you're at grandma and grandpa's house, mama gets plenty of time like this. |
The next day, AJ and I headed out for a little date day. Woohoo! We went to a delicious breakfast, walked around and did some shopping, and then saw The Mule. We both really liked it. That evening, AJ's childhood pals and their families came over for dinner. It's always fun catching up and reconnecting.
Best avocado toast I've ever had! |
On Friday, AJ, Hank, and I went to the cute town of Sisters (like a 20 minute drive away). It's a Western-ish looking area with cute shops and restaurants. We had a fun day exploring. We came home that afternoon and all took long naps (See? I totally needed the relaxation!) AJ's mom made my favorite dinner that night (champagne chicken). It was another awesome relaxing day of break.
I am LOVING this! We listened to it on repeat. Kelly Clarkson does "Never Enough." So. Good. |
I bought these little morsels. They were amazing. |
Guitar time with Gramps |
On Saturday, AJ's mom and I got a pedicure, we all lounged around, took a walk, and went to our favorite Mexican food place for dinner that night. Hank had SO much fun exploring around in a new place. That little guy explored every nook and cranny. He is certainly on the move!
He LOVES looking at pictures of himself. Good thing those are never in short supply. Ha! |
He could fit all the way through. Ahhhh! |
Hank's face! |
A little card table to serve as a baby gate! |

After dinner we drove around to look at some lights and spotted about 6 deer right in the neighborhood! It was so cool and we were able to get so close. They trotted off in a single file line, so cute! |
We were all set to leave Sunday morning but our flight kept getting delayed. We were supposed to arrive home around 3:30 and we didn't end up getting home until after 8. We. were. so. tired. Poor Hank was a rockstar considering he spent the day just hanging out. He ate all 3 baby food pouches we packed (thank goodness we added them in at the last minute). There was a little play place in the airport so he spent some time there so that was good. He was not too happy on the flight home but about 20 minutes of fussing he finally crashed.
I LOVE this picture. My guys exploring the airport. We had to let him out of the stroller finally. He has a need for speed, and he really just wanted to crawl around. |
That's a wrap on our Christmas vaycay! We enjoyed every second with family and friends. We felt so fortunate this past year. Today has been for all. the. laundry., grocery shopping, settling back in, and making some to do lists. Tonight is New Years Eve, we are having some pals over for dinner, and will most likely ring in 2019 fast asleep. And I'm totally cool with that. Hope your holidays were merry and bright. Thank you for reading A Sunday Kinda Love in 2018.
Savor Your Sparkle,
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