Wednesday, January 16, 2019

That January Life

Guys, I really wanted to name this post "Life Lately," but do you know what my last post was named? You guessed it. Blogger Amateur move. So I'm keeping it real, and calling this one "That January Life." Although, the more I thought about it, the more I realized life is so very January right now and I kind of love that. January is all about the reset, the decluttering (of physical space and of mind), and fresh beginnings. That's where I'm at lately. And I'm digging it.

a fresh mani + a hot latte + Hamilton soundtrack=good morning vibes

Hank is basically a grown man now, so there's that. My little goofball turns 13 months this week and he is a delight. Some of his faves: The Little Gym, pulling out all (and I mean all) of his books and opening as many pages as he can, quesadillas remain his obsession, and we've gone on a few walks lately and he is actively seeking the skies for planes. He's walking along assisted (hands on walls, cabinets, couch) and crawling so fast that our house is legit baby proofed. I can't even tell you how many times I've cursed opening the pantry and discovering the child lock. Why can't I seem to remember it's there? Overall, Hank is just as happy as can be and we so enjoy that little man.

My sister Libby celebrated her 23rd birthday last week and it was fun going to dinner as a family and celebrating her day. It's so fun having Libby living back in Utah!

I've been reading some good books so far this year and will have a January reads post coming up in a few weeks. Yay!

Shows----They are back, and the DVR is getting a workout. I'm currently watching: Teen Mom 2, My Big Fat Fabulous Life, The Bachelor, The Good Doctor, Teachers, Seeking Sister Wife, I am Jazz, Scientology with Leah Remini, This is Us, 90 Day Fiancee, Married at First Sight, Schooled, Modern Family, Shark Tank, and Dateline. Do you agree that I need to quit my job and go to a hotel for a few days and drink wine and snack on all manner of dips while I catch up on all this? I mean, really, it's about grit.

I've been in tidying mood lately (I have read the book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, but I still need to check out the Netflix series) and did a thrift store drop off last week, organized all our drawers and cabinets, and "space bagged" all of Hank's too small outfits. A friend told me about the Ziploc space bags and they are amazing. I have gotten all of Hank's outgrown clothes (there's a lot) into 3 under the bed storage containers using them. I know spring is not for a while, but I am ready to pack sweaters and bring out dresses, skirts, and open toed shoes! Anyone else??
car wash---vacuuming out the Cheerio dust from Hank's carseat brings me joy

thrift store drop offs bring me joy too! 

I started my Math endorsement last week! Here's the deal: I hated math as a student but I really enjoy teaching 1st grade math. I am excited to learn new tips and tricks to share with my students. It makes my Tuesdays epically long, but I hope it'll be worth it.

AJ is an amazing hubby and this past weekend he surprised me with my first ever published article (from Sharing magazine for parent loss) framed. He is the best. I wrote about it on FB and Insta, but HERE is the link to the article if you want to read. Share is such an amazing organization that supports families affected by loss and I am so honored to be part of it.

Finally, I leave you with this side by side....Hank inadvertently recreating one of my fave memes.

Happy Wednesday!
Savor Your Sparkle,

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