Thursday, April 25, 2019

April Reads

It's time for another edition of monthly reads! To see all my book posts from 2019, click HERE. To see all my book posts EVER, click HERE. This month was a great one for books and my "to read" stack is growing by the day! Thank goodness it's almost summer!

I read 5 books this month. Let's get to it!

1. The Girls in the Garden by Lisa Jewell: This book is a great thriller about a neighborhood that's a bit Stepford-ish and the secrets that are revealed when one of the neighborhood girls goes missing. It's not a happy book and the ending is a bit odd, but I could not put this one down. I loved reading about the suspicious characters and trying to discover what they might be hiding. Lisa Jewell reminds me a lot of Liane Moriarty in that they both masterfully get in the head of the women they write about and dive deep. This would be a juicy pool-side read.

2. I Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella: I love Sophie Kinsella books and this one is just her style: a charming protagonist, a cute love story, funny mishaps, and memorable characters. I kept thinking what a cute movie this would make. This one is over 450 pages, though! I read this one for the bulk of the month (my other reads were super fast ones). It's cute and fun, but a bit too long for a book of its nature.

3. The Tattooist of Auschwitz: This book. Guys. I read it in less than 48 hours because it's so good, so gripping, so horrifying, so well done. I don't usually read such heavy stuff but I had heard great things and knew I needed to read it. This is a love story at heart, and a true story, about 2 prisoners in Auschwitz and their time in the camp and how they find each other again. It's intense and some parts are tough to get through emotionally but it's so good. I have visited 2 concentration camps and I could not get those experiences out of my mind as I read. Pick this book up, you won't regret it.

4. Give Me Your Hand by Megan Abbott: This was another book that I had a hard time putting down! This is a thriller of sorts about 2 young women who met in high school, shared some dark secrets with each other, then meet up again as up and coming scientists in a lab that researches mental disorders in women. It's twisty, suspenseful, violent, and really kept me on the edge of my seat. I read this one over spring break and loved it.

5. When Did I Get Like This? by Amy Wilson: This book is a memoir about a woman in the midst of raising 3 kids. Is there anything particularly unique or profound about her experiences? Nope. But this book is cute, relatable, laugh out loud funny, and a fun tribute to motherhood. This book is told in little vignettes that read sort of like blog posts. This would be a fun gift for a new mom.

And those are my April reads! I hope you are enjoying getting lost in a good read!
Savor Your Sparkle,

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