Sunday, August 18, 2019

Life Lately

Hi There!
   It's been a while since I've blogged so I'm here with a giant life lately post for you! It's been a busy few weeks gearing up for school to begin. I meet my students Tuesday and school begins Wednesday. Honestly, I'm ready. There's always more you could do to prep, but there's a point where you've just gotta dive in....I'm at that point!

We spent the last little bit of summer enjoying the pool, splash pad, parks, and just chilling at home. Hank is at such a fun age (21 months!) and he just cracks us up.
Reading with Grandpa

Hank thinks it's hilarious to take the picture out of this frame and put his face in there instead. My little comedian. 

feeding goats!

No shame here, we love ourselves a happy meal lunch. Cheeseburger or nuggs, this kid is here for it. 

My parents have this cute "Hadley angel" statue in their backyard and Hank posed with it. #presh 

We have cucumbers!! Our little veggie patch burst to life this past week. 

That park life

We went to check out the Train Shop 

Hank began childcare two days a week at the beginning of August. He's enjoying it and despite some tears at drop off, I know he loves being social, independent, and going to "school." We listen to the song "High Hopes" by Panic at he Disco on the short car ride over and he loves dancing. We also chant "Toys and Friends, Yeah!" to get him pumped up. Haha. I, on the other hand, sobbed after the first drop off and worry (unnecessarily I know) about leaving him. He can't be with mom and dad 24/7 and it's working well for our family, but man, I miss my little sidekick. My mom will continue to watch him 3 days a week which is so wonderful. Hank looks forward to "Grandma Days."

 My sister, Libby, and I tried out Goat Yoga a few weeks ago! The goats were so cute and it was hilarious having them just jump up, but it's not something I'll be clamoring to do again. I counted it as my workout for the day, and that was a bit of a cheat because I probably only did actual yoga for about two minutes flat during the class. Baby goats are distracting! Speaking of fitness, a friend introduced me to this great podcast called "Balance 365 Life" It's all about fitness, nutrition, and living a balanced life. I need this message! I'm trying to lose some weight (what's new) but do it thoughtfully and in a way that lasts. This podcast is awesome.

Nachos are a love language of mine so we re-did them with sweet potatoes and they were AMAZING! 

AJ and I happened to have two date nights this week for two events we have very much been looking forward to. We saw Mumford and Sons Tuesday evening and I think it was my favorite concert ever. I listen to Mumford A LOT but have been listening non-stop since the show. Amazing. We also saw The Book of Mormon with some friends and enjoyed it!

This year I did a nautical theme in classroom and thanks to Donor's Choose, I got lots of great materials and supplies. I love decorating my classroom every year....but I also forget how exhausting it is! 
a teacher leaving our school gave me this plain stool so all summer long I collected candy wrappers and made it into a "sweet seat" as a fun reward seat for my classroom. 

Can't wait to have kids curl up with a good book here soon

Homework goes better with coffee 

I know it's August, and I know it's 95 degrees out, but my Pumpkin-lovin' heart is gearing up for FALL. I've been adding some pumpkin flavoring to my coffee lately and have been loving all the fall deco out at Hobby Lobby and Kirklands. Give me all the pumpkin paraphernalia. And how much easier will it be getting dressed in the morning when I can bust out my fall uniform of leggings, an oversized sweater, an infinity scarf, and boots?! 

These next couple weeks are sort of crazy with Back to School nights, the return of my math endorsement classes, the start of Hank's music classes with some friends, and plenty of fun thrown in too. August is usually almost always my least favorite month (ever heard August refered to as "One long Sunday Night"? Truth) but this August was pretty darn awesome. No matter how busy our days get, I love coming home to my two dudes. 

Savor Your Sparkle,

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