Monday, February 3, 2020

Life Lately

Hi There,
     I'm here with a life lately post for ya!  It's an unexpected snow day!!!! The weather reports were predicting a heavy Sunday night storm but when we went to bed at around 10:00 and there was no white stuff on the ground, I had sort of given up hope for the snow day I was wishing for. We woke up at 4:45 to take Hank to my parents' house and then carpool to school since the weather was pretty yucky. THEN, en route, we learned there was a 2 hour delay. Yay! We visited with my parents for a bit then AJ and I headed off to Starbucks to hang out for a while before we went into school and then surprise! 2 sips into my butterscotch latte, I logged onto Facebook and saw school was cancelled! So we picked up our little man, came home and put on sweats, and we've been lounging, reading and napping ever since. Hank and AJ are snuggled up watching A Bug's Life, so I thought it'd be a perfect time to update the blog. I have lots of pics for you!
I just love this pic of my little man. He loves his little H plastic mug, thanks Target! 

We've been enjoying settling into our new house! It's so fun decorating and getting it all put together. We hosted our first gathering here last night for Super Bowl. We had 4 families over and we did a taco bar. We also enjoyed a date night on Saturday for our realtors' client appreciation dinner. It's always fun to go out but as soon as we are out alone, we both comment how much we miss Hank. Parenthood, right?
Planning the gallery wall---I traced the frames on paper and then moved them to see where I wanted them to go. My MIL came up with that idea!
Super Bowl fiesta 

I got this cute clip sign on Etsy. I can't wait to add more of the cute crafts Hank makes. It says, "Look What I Made" 

I've had my eye on a fiddle leaf tree for a while. This one is from Wayfair. Let's see if I can keep it safe from toddler paws. Haha. 

Woodland theme in Hank's bathroom

Loft play area 

If you look closely, you can see a cute 2 year old enjoying some cereal 

I LOVE this black and white beach picture. It's printed on wood and from All Modern. 

I am so excited Valentines Day is coming up. AJ's family will be here to visit and I am enjoying planning some fun seasonal things for my class. And Valentine's Day, to me, means spring is coming!!
a "lovely" mani 

                                                                                                                                                                                    We've been going a bit stir crazy these winter months, so sometimes we just need to bundle up and head outside anyway! We can't wait to explore more parks soon. 

In the midst of busy days, I am so thankful for this bonus bit of time to chill at home with my guys. But now it can be spring. Please. By the way, snowy days are perfect for a warm mug of tea and a good book. Check out my January reads HERE.

Stay safe and warm and Savor Your Sparkle,

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