How is it already nearly mid-May? Also, how is it only mid-May? This quarantine stuff, guys, it really messes with your sense of time. I have lots of pictures for you on the blog today! I organized it in a list because #lazy and why not?
1. Butterflies! I love my spring butterfly unit with my 1st graders and even though I was sad to not be able to do it in person, I ordered the kit and did it here at home. I updated my students via Google classroom. Hank absolutely loved it and we released our beautiful butterflies at a nearby park a few weeks ago. I never ever get over the miracle of how these gorgeous creatures come from those nasty little caterpillars. Amazing!
2. Spiral Jetty: This is a place in Utah I had never visited and was always curious, so Friday we loaded up the car with gas and plenty of snacks and made the journey. It was gorgeous out there (and we were able to stay socially distant) and Hank loved it. He thought we went to the beach and we just let him think that. It was an all day adventure as it took about 2 and a half hours to get there and we spent an hour or so there. We got home that evening happy, sun burnt, and with Cafe Rio take out. It was a wonderful day
The spiral jetty is about 40 minutes of dirt road beyond the Golden Spike monument. Here's Hank standing on the place where the 2 railroads met. The visitor's center was closed but we were able to use the bathroom (amen!) there and walk around the deserted grounds. |
This is considered a famous piece of "earthwork" and was created by an artist in the 70's. |
Mother's Day: We wished we could have spent the day with our moms, but we made the best of the day anyway. We got coffees and visited Hadley and then went on a lovely 90 minute walk followed by naps for all. It was a great relaxing day. I can't believe I became a mom almost 4 years ago. I'll have to do a post here soon about discussing Hadley with Hank. He's been very curious lately and we talk about her a lot. He knows he has a big sister in heaven who looks out for him.
Random Life Lately
Thank you, Pinterest for toddler art ideas. This one was a hit---we dipped toilet paper rolls into paint and stamped with them, |
We walked over to the Real Academy to take advantage of the beautiful views there to watch the air force flyover. It was neat! |
We made another trip to Cross E Ranch Farm Drive Thru. I am so impressed by places being innovative during this time of Covid. |
Hank LOVES animals! |
One of our friends organized a Zoom dinner party. We each made an element of the meal, exchanged on our door steps, and then ate together via Zoom. It was a fun way to connect. |
We made sprinkle pancakes for brunch last week. YUM! I've had to kick up my basement workouts to make up for all the delicious splurging going on here! |
Take out tastes better at the park! |
The water table made its debut at our new house! We are getting our backyard finished in July. I cannot wait! Although Hank loves digging back there. He can dig and play back there for hours. Life of a toddler! |
Ever since we moved in 5 months ago, I've wanted to get something for that blank wall above our TV. This was my Mother's Day gift--it's a framed piece of distressed shiplap. I love that I can switch out the wreath seasonally. I've become addicted with looking at felt ball garlands on Etsy to drape over it too. I love decorating. |
For the past 3 weeks I've put together a veggie tray on Sunday to snack on during the week. It looks so pretty and it's more convenient to eat veggies when they are all prepped.
It seems strange that this at home lifestyle is "normal" now. Never in a million years did I think our May would look like this!! We are so thankful for the doctors, nurses, scientists, hospital workers, and community helpers of all kinds helping us all get through these unique, unsettling times. Lots of Love from me to you.
Savor Your Sparkle,
⏱️ 2min Read
�� Hiring a professional hacker has been one of the world's most technical valued navigating information.
•Recovery Of Lost Funds,
•Mobile Phone Hack.(Catching A Cheating Spouse).
•Credit Score Upgrade,
High prolific information and Priviledges comes rare as it has been understood that what people do not see, they will never know. The affirmative ability to convey a profitable information Systematically is the majoy factor to success.
Welcome to the Global KOS hacking agency where every request on hacking related issues are fixed within a short period of time.
When you wonder “which hacking company should I hire, the first aspect that should concern you is Sincerity. Secondly, Rapid response. Clearly, you want to embark for services that povides swift response, With our astonishing Hackers, you will be glad to find out that our services Implies precision and action.
This post is definitely for those who are willing to turn their lives around for the better, either financial-wise, relationship-wise or businesses.
The manual Operation of this hackers is to potentially deploy a distinguished hacking techniques to penetrating computers.
If your shoe fits in any of the services below, you will be assigned to a designated professional hacker who is systematically known for operating on a dark web V-link protocol.
Providing value added services to clients as a hacker has been our sustaining goal.
Are you faced with cyber challenges like
��Recovery of lost funds:✅(BITCOIN INVESTMENTS, BINARY OPTIONS, LOAN AND TRADING FOREX WITH FORGERY BROKERS.) ��️I would try my possible best to shortly explain this in particular.
This shocking study points to one harsh reality we all face today. It saddens our mind when client expresses annoyance or dissatisfaction of unethical behaviours of scammers. We have striven to make tenacious efforts to help those who are victims of this flees get off their traumatic feeling of loss. The cyber security technique used to retrieving back the victims stolen funds is the application of a diverse intercall XX breacher software enables you track the data location of a scammer. Extracting every informations on the con database. Every information required by the Global KOS would be used to tracking every transaction, time and location of the scammer. This is acheived using the systematic courier tracking base method•
However, there are secret cyber infiltrators called brokers and doom. The particular system used by this scammers permeates them to manupulate targets digital trading system or monetary fund based accounts. Strictly using a dark web rob to diverting successful trades into a negative outcome. This process bends to thier advantage while investors results to losing massive amount of money. An act of gaining access to an organization or databased system to cause damages. We have worked so hard to ensure our services gives you a 100% trading success to recover all your losses•
�� HACKING A MOBILE PHONE:.✅ Do you think you are being cheated on? Curious to know what your lover is up to online? This type of hack helps you track every movement of your cheater as we are bent on helping you gain full remote access into the cheater's mobile phone using a Trojan breach cracking system to penetrate their social media platforms like Facebook, whatsapp, snapchat etc.
The company is large enough to provide comprehensive range of services such as•
• Email hacks��
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Our strength is based on the ability to help fix cyber problems by bringing together active cyber hacking professionals in the GlobalkOS to work with.
®Global KOS™