I used to do monthly goals on this here blog. You can find them
here. But I got out of the habit. Maybe one day I'll whip up some monthly to-do's, but since this is the last baby-free season of our lives and hubs and I are both gloriously on summer break for most of June and all of July, I thought I'd make some seasonal goals for this much anticipated time. Here is my summer bucket list.....
1. Go to Bear Lake/Logan. True Confession: I've never ever been here! Now I originally stated that under no circumstances was I going to go beyond a 45 minute radius of the hospital this summer, but life, man. We are itching to get outta town and thought a little excursion here might be fun. We have done zero planning or even thought of dates, but thought a day trip or night away to explore this pretty area would be fun.
2. Read at least 6 books. I am hoping to get a summer book list together soon. I have been a reading slacker the past month or so I want to hop back on the literary train. Is there anything in the world more delightful than a refreshing frosty beverage, a juicy novel, and a pool-side lounge chair? No, no there is not. Leave any good book recommendations in the comments!
3. Go Thrifting. Honestly it's not like we need any more stuff, the pre-baby overhaul this spring was pretty massive. BUT...I love the thrill of the hunt. I haven't been thrifting in months and it's so fun to check out the different thrift stores in different neighborhoods and see if there's any good stuff!
4. Get a prenatal massage. I got one of these when I was around 16 weeks pregnant. It felt SO good but anyone else leave massages feeling like your body is broken? They ALWAYS make a comment about the tension in my neck and back and make some expression like "whew! You are tiiiight. You must be very stressed." I know, I know, I wrangle 6 year olds all day and rarely stretch when I workout. I get it. They put me on a "every other week" massage regimen recommendation to which I scoffed and tucked my debit card safely away in my wallet. BUT I do carry tension and a prenatal massage in trimester three might be just what the doctor (not money hungry masseuses) ordered.

5. Finish Baby Girl's Nursery. This is the bucket list item I am most excited about. I keep a little list on my phone when I think of some nursery detail and I am so ready to tackle the list and do some details/finishing touches (like in Fixer Upper when Joanna Gaines stays late at the house and just hangs things/fluffs pillows and Chip and the kids bring her some sort of dessert...like that). I'd say the nursery is about halfway done at this point. I am thinking some Target runs, some crafting, some Pinspiration, and just nesting in my new favorite room in the house. In fact, as I write, AJ is upstairs attempting to put together an Ikea dresser. I will refrain from sharing the words coming out of that room currently.
6. Grill dinner at least twice a week. We love to grill and there are tons of perks like, I have no idea how to grill so AJ has to cook dinner (sorry women's lib movement, but I'll keep letting fire be a man's turf), the kitchen stays clean, and we can incorporate yummy veggies and even fruit. I want to think beyond chicken and burgers. Any fave grill recipes?
7. Look into/maybe actually make a will/trust. We went to Dave Ramsey's Smart Money Tour last week and besides being inspirational/awesome/Dave-tastic, he also emphasized the importance of making a will/trust. Let's be real, here, AJ and I do not have an "estate" with massive amounts of assets to be doled out, but we do want to make sure, in any unfortunate event, our baby is taken care of and that we get a say in what happens. How very adult-ish of us.
8. Walk everyday: I have heard from countless people that walking is one of the best things you can do to remain active during pregnancy. I love to walk and want to be active every day this summer. Bring on the walking paths and trails...and when it gets too toasty, the treadmill at the gym!
9. Finish Orange is the New Black and Game of Thrones: Ok, so this first one is a no-brainer, I love OITNB, but Game of Thrones?? If you didn't gasp in shock that I, Leslie, am watching this show then we're not really friends. I know, it's very unlike me (my DVR is typically home to "Dance Moms" and "Shark Tank"), but a few weeks ago, AJ and I decided we needed a new series and we heard GOT had tons of fans and hype, so alas, here we are. We are only 4 episodes in, but it does keep my interest and certainly broadens my taste in entertainment. I have no idea if this is a series we will stick with, but I am seriously digging Peter Dinklage so....

10. Listen to my Abide app each night. During the winter, I LOVED this app. Basically you choose a topic and it reads a prayer and/or a bible passage/devotional to you. It's wonderful and I hate to say it, but I haven't even opened the app this month. I want to get back into it, it's such a great spiritual resource and perfect for relaxing if you want to just listen and not read.
11. Get creative with Father's Day. Guys are hard to shop for. It's not like you can rely on the standby scented candle or pair of earrings like you can with ladies. I want to think of something great for my dad, father in law, and AJ this year.
12. Costco Haul for the Essentials. We got to Costco every few months for things like frozen ravioli, hummus, and raspberries etc,, but I want to do a full stock up before Baby Steele arrives: toilet paper, paper towels, laundry soap, dishwasher pods, napkins...all the day to day stuff I don't want to have to worry about running out of when we become a family of three.
There will be many more to-dos, but for now, all I can see on my horizon are days to sleep in and dive into the ol' bucket list. Cheers to summmmmer, baby!