Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Road Trip Recap: Part 3/3!

Hey there! Thanks for bearing with all these photos of our road trip adventure. I love documenting in this space for memory's sake! Part one of our road trip is HERE and Part 2 is HERE. After a fun few days in Montana, Washington, and Southern Oregon, we had a few days to just chill in AJ's hometown of Redmond (near Bend) for the final part of our trip. Ready, set, go!

AJ wanted to get in some golfing time while in Oregon so he played for a bit while I sat at the cafe and read and chilled. But I did spot some deer on the course so I had to snap a pic of them.

I sat here and read for a while (book post coming soon!) while AJ golfed
deer on the course
This guy went in about a hundred shops with me this trip (I could browse cute shops all damn day) so I was happy to oblige at the golf course 

 AJ's dad recently got a boat and we decided that afternoon to take it out on the lake. Hank had the cutest little life jacket and it was a beautiful day at a gorgeous lake near Sisters, Oregon. The water was pretty choppy and approximately 2 minutes into the ride, I was like, umm, nope, can you let Hank and I off? Haha. I realized then that I had never been on a small boat before that wasn't a ride (Small World, anyone?), and the tossing was making me feel sick. Add to that fact that I was gripping onto Hank with a mama bear like hold and when he started fussing, I was out, folks. AJ's dad gladly chartered the boat back to the shore where Hank and I got off and proceeded to throw rocks into the lake until AJ's dad and Matt came into shore a bit later. I felt like a wimp, but I think I'll give the boat a try again without Hank and when the waters are calmer. Or maybe I'm just more of a yacht person? Haha. Nevertheless, it was a gorgeous afternoon and AJ's dad was so excited to take the boat on its maiden voyage. He's named it the "Double H" (for Hadley and Hank of course!).

Uncle Matty's got the moves

That evening we relaxed and spent time together in the backyard and Hank had his first ever S'more! AND he rode on Grandpa's tractor mower! Our backyard is literally just a few feet so we were joking that he must think he's at a farm or something when he gets to Oregon!

Hunting for bugs

Marshmallow love

The next day we went back to the super fun park and then to a local splash pad. We spent the afternoon resting and napping. That evening we got together with AJ's high school buddies and their families. I enjoy visiting with them every time we are in Oregon and this time we got to meet his buddy's new baby. So sweet! The next day, we were on the highway, heading back toward Salt Lake. It's a long (about 11 hour) drive so we decided to spend the night in Boise. We checked into our hotel, walked to dinner and ice cream, and we crashed early. We were home the next day by noon.

I love this pic. This is Hank with 2 of our friends' kids. They took such great care of Hank. Precious! 

Final dinner out of the trip in Boise 
When all is said and done---the amount of french fries found in the backseat was alarming. Our house was 85 degrees when we walked in. The pile of mail to go through was massive. The unpacking took forever. We had sore backs and achy muscles. But honestly? This road trip was such a blast. We did so many fun things, logged a lot of miles, spent so much quality time together, and most of all, we filled our hearts with memories and love from loved ones across the miles. A pretty awesome experience that we will always cherish. I love creating memories for Hank and I hope he always thinks fondly of our summer trips as he grows up. Thank you for following along on our trip!
There's no place like HOME. Hank was on the couch and requesting to watch Coco in about 10 minutes flat. 

Savor Your Sparkle,

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