Saturday, September 7, 2019

Hawaiian Ice Box Cake

Last week I made my first ice box cake (strawberry banana) and ummm..... why in the world have I not been making these for years? Basically an ice box cake is a "cake" made entirely in the fridge (so no baking) using graham cracker layers. It's almost Fall which means lots of cozy pumpkin, and warm cinnamon-y treats, but I couldn't resist making a fruity delicious ice box cake while it's still warm out. AJ and I head to Maui (Hawaii first timer here!) next month, so I decided to use pineapple for this Hawaiian inspired easy peasy dessert. And bonus, using sugar free pudding mix and cool whip makes this treat not as unhealthy as other dessert options (I'm looking at you, Crumbl).

Cast of Characters:
-1 box sugar free vanilla pudding mix
-1 cup milk
-1 can crushed pineapple (20 oz)
-2 cans mandarin oranges drained
-sugar free Cool Whip (8 oz)
-3 bananas
-graham crackers (I used 3 "sleeves")
-Coconut (but I forgot to get it at the store so sadly my version is sans coconut)

1. Thaw the Cool Whip in the fridge for about 3-4 hours
2. Mix the pudding mix with the cup of milk and let sit for 5 minutes. It will be very thick. Add the can of crushed pineapple and fold in the cool whip.
3. Spread a thin layer of the mixture in the bottom of a 13x9 pan and then top with a layer of graham crackers.
4. Top the crackers with another layer of the pudding mixture. Arrange half of the banana slices and mandarin oranges on top.
5. Layer graham crackers on top, then the remaining pudding mix and fruit.
6. Add crushed graham crackers to the top and toasted coconut.
7. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours and enjoy.

This was so delicious! Now....I need to brainstorm some more versions of this yumminess. Dark chocolate? Nuts? Pumpkin? Berries? Caramel? The possibilities are endless!

Savor Your Sparkle,

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