Thursday, January 16, 2020

Long Time No Blog!

Hi There,
   It has been a while since I've blogged! I got up early this morning and am enjoying my coffee in our quiet living room to the sound of Mumford and Sons. Perfection!
Snow capped mountains on a blue sky day? YES! 

 Since I last logged in:

-We moved out of our townhome
-We moved into our new house!
-Hank got the flu and poor buddy was put on a round of Tamiflu
-AJ got super sick and was out of commission for a few days. In our 8 years together, I've never seen him so miserable. But he's all better now and ready to celebrate his birthday this weekend!
-I have no idea what's going on in my math endorsement class right now. Exponents, eww. But I will be finished in about 5 months. Thank you baby Jesus.
-We returned back to school after our blissful 2 week Winter Break
-We visited Zoo Lights and I want to bottle up Hank's joy over this. He talked about it ALL DAY and was thrilled once we were there. Animals and lights? Well, Hank was one happy little dude.

-I started listening to Harry Potter. Yours truly has never read/seen a single Harry Potter book or movie. My 2020 goal was to finish the series. My awesome teammate lent me her books on CD and I've been listening as I drive. I'm about half a disc away from finishing the first book and liking it.
-I'm on a mission to create an awesome farmhouse gallery wall for the area behind our dining table. I'm a woman obsessed. Canvas? Frames? Any advice is appreciated!
-My sister, Utah Caffeine Queen turned 24! Happy Birthday, Libby!
-I'm tired and busy but feeling oh so thankful.

Leaving our townhome was sort of bittersweet. We didn't leave because we hated it. In fact, we really loved it there, but it was just feeling too small for us. On Sunday I went by and left our keys on the counter and did get a little choked up. We bought that place after our 1st wedding anniversary and that was the house we prepared a nursery for our little girl. And the next year, for our son. Within those walls, we experienced life's highest highs and lowest lows. There were many tears shed and laughs had in that little place and it will always be special to me. The couple moving in there is older and they have grown kids, but I did leave a little note for them wishing them all the joy and love we experienced there. But....this mama did not know life with a walk in pantry and mudroom and I'm not sure how I lived before it. I'm in love!  Ha!

Our move in went super smoothly thanks to my awesome family for helping us when Hank was sick. We also have a rock star realtor (we love you, Jessica!) and I just have to tell you guys about this awesome moving company. We hired this company called Red Barn Movers and they were incredible! Red Barn Movers is a part of a non-profit called Red Barn Academy It's a place where men struggling with addiction commit to live and learn for 2 years. They run the working farm, learn to budget, live in community, and work hard at a job. The moving company is the training ground for these guys to rebuild their lives. Their reviews were outstanding and we were so impressed. During the move, we had coffee and cookies and the we got to know the guys a bit. I've never met a more dedicated, hard working bunch before. If you need to move, call them! Not only will you be super pleased with their service, but it's supporting a cool cause!
I'm grateful for some extra time off this weekend. Speaking of Monday off, I LOVE teaching my students about Martin Luther King Jr. Kid President has one of my favorite videos about him. Check it out HERE

And I also have 2 other little joys to share----Starbucks has a new honey drink and it is 100 emoji. girl T-Swift's documentary is coming out this month. Yes please. 
Translation: Grande blonde almond milk honey flat white 

Thanks for reading. And as always, Savor Your Sparkle,

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