Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Hello random

I wanted to write deep this week. Soulful, thought provoking, insightful stuff. But you want to know what? It's 9:46 and I'm exhausted and can barely keep my eyes open and I just noticed one of my Jamberry nails has fallen off and my feet hurt (which, why? I didn't make it to the gym today), and I'm equal parts excited/nervous for 1st grade pumpkin day tomorrow. Knives. Pumpkin Guts. Bajillion seeds. I know there will be parents there, but there will also be mess and chaos. But it'll be ok. Right? RIGHT? So here's a slew of random, for ya'll cause that's how I'm doing this Tuesday, mmmkay?

1. I am reading the delightful book called "The Real Thing." It caught my eye at the library and I knew I had to read it. It's part anecdote, part advice, a little Carrie Bradshaw meets Dr. Phil. And it's a fast read. Highly recommend. 

2. We had BLT's for dinner tonight and for some reason they hit the spot. Easy, delicious, and fast. Winning. 

3. Soooo....this is a post in and of itself but I'll just say this: we bought a house. Yeahhhhhhh. I'm trying not to get too excited/in planner mode until we have officially closed, but the inspection is next week and I promise more deets once more is official! 

4. FALL BREAK begins tomorrow at 4:00 and I am ready. AJ and I were brainstorming some fun adventures we could and have and things we could do. He turned to me this morning after our alarms went off and said, "Why do I pretend like we're adventure people? I kind of want to bring all our pillows downstairs and watch Netflix." To which I replied, "Sounds great. I think I want to visit Target too." Watch out, world! 

5. In between naps and Target, I really do want to get some quality writing time in this week. There's lots of ideas marinating in my head I want to type through. 

6. The air has been crisp and cool and this little guy joined us on our porch this week.

7. May your Wednesday be happy and also include a PSL because well, you deserve it. 

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