Sunday, April 23, 2017

Unicorn Frappucinos and Such

Hi Friends,
      I have had lots of post ideas swirling in my head and I have been craving some quality writing time! In fact, I've been working on a Hadley post for a month or so now but I've been tweaking it until it feels right to post. This week has been a whirlwind! There's been lots going on and so I decided to do a Life Lately post today. I'm writing this while watching Caitlyn Jenner's special on 20/20 (I think she's so brave), and I've got food cooking for weekly meal prep and laundry rolling in the dryer. What's that phrase, "A Sunday well spent brings a week of content."? Amen!

OBVI I had to try the Unicorn Frapp this week. AJ and I went one night for dessert (he did not get one, I'm sure he'd want me to point that out). Verdict: It was fruity and good, kind of sour. If I go to Starbucks I'd prefer a coffee or even an iced tea, but it looks cool and tastes pretty good (very sweet). Once again I need to give props to Starbucks for their marketing genius!

I made Caprese Orzo Salad with grilled chicken for 2 dinners and a lunch this week. YUMMY! I modified some recipes I found on pinterest, but basically it's orzo, basil, grape tomatoes, mozzarella balls, and the homemade dressing. I just eyeballed the dressing ingredients: olive oil, balsamic vinegar, garlic, and just a teeny bit of  dijon mustard and honey.

Friday I did a STEM activity with my class. Their task was to make a raft that would float. The kids had so much fun working together, planning their projects, and celebrating their results. I can't wait to add more of these fun activities to my lesson plans. Less than 30 days left this school year....I can hardly believe it! I love the end of the year lessons and activities and gathered supplies this weekend for end of the year gifts (sunglasses) and Mother's Day scented sachets and mini books. Lots of spring fun in 1st grade! 

Friday evening I went to dinner with a friend at a new restaurant called Slapfish. It was delicious! Saturday morning we did some planning for the Baby Bow Bash. It's coming up so soon and I can't wait to bring tons of bows to the gals in the hospitals. I am so thankful for my mom, AJ's mom, and our dear friend Kandi for helping us organize and get ready for our event. I just know Hadley would love it. AJ and I have always joked that Hadley was a little biker chick (don't ask me why, we just envisioned her as a badass baby, lol). I was thinking about her the other afternoon driving home and I saw the licence plate holder on the car in front of me said, "Hadley's House of Wheels." I noticed it the exact moment I thought of her. Now that's what I call a sign! It made me smile (apparently Hadley's House of Wheels is a car dealership in Pocatello. Ha!). 

I'm hoping this week will be a little slower paced than last week. We are going on a little spring trip at the end of the week for a friend's wedding and I'm looking forward to it. In the meantime, here's to a week of good days. I saw this quote this week and it cracked me up. 

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