I made it! The first day of school is behind me. Only 179 more to go! Just kidding....it went well. As well as first days can go. It's all so new for them (and me!) but I think it'll be a great year. Here's what's been going on lately:
I found this adorable goodbye poem/chant the end of last year and tucked it away to use this year. So fun! It was a great way to spend the last 5 minutes of the day once we were all packed up. |
Isn't this the cutest first day of school treat from a student?! It's an EOS lipbalm. Love those crafty mamas. |
This was my Starbucks drive thru selfie this morning (it was the first day, I needed a grande skinny vanilla latte. Needed. But I was running around so much today I think I took about 5 sips total). My parents got me those pearls from Saks Fifth Avenue when I graduated from Gonzaga. I wore them to my grad school graduation, my wedding, and every first day of school teaching. Not to be morbid, but I better be buried in them too. Hehe. |
Friday I was duhhh-rowwwwning in school supplies and it was even worse today. The organized type-A gal that I am was cringing BUT I've got it all put away and organized now. Whew! |
My babe and I took a nice long walk on Sunday evening. I love that we can hop on a walking trail right from our neighborhood. And I love the gym and all but there's just something about getting outside! |
I put on my mint and gold striped Jamberry nails this weekend. They've been staying on a lot longer once a friend told me about the Baggie Method. Life changing, ladies!
In other news, I'm still reading "Hello From the Gillespies." I'm hoping for a book every other week this school year. Wishful thinking but it's a goal! AJ and I grabbed a Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner tonight and it was such a gift not to cook at all tonight. Yahoo! In other bits, I just love everything the Pioneer Woman does and found myself smiling over her latest
post. I hope that's me and AJ one day. So cute. Well, I am off to bed. It's 8:00. Don't judge.
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