Sunday, December 2, 2018

What I'm Loving Lately

Hi There!
   I'm excited for a new edition of What I'm Loving Lately! There is so much that I've been loving lately.

First of all, I love writing in this space. Thank you so much for reading, for commenting, for everything! Could you do me a teensy favor? If you know of someone who might enjoy this blog, would you pass it along? The web address is: You can also share posts via facebook, instagram, or you can subscribe via Blog Lovin' (sign up on the right side of the blog) and new posts will be sent directly to your inbox. Thank you for all your support of this tiny corner of the internet. I love writing Sunday Kinda Love.

Mumford and Sons new album "Delta"---I love love love all of Mumford's music and this new album is so good. It's the perfect music to have on in the background while I'm doing something else. I love "October Skies" the best on this album. I love how Mumford never disappoints.

Hankers did not eat these Cafe Rio chips, but boy he wanted to!
Hank eating real food---Can I get an amen for not having to pack bottles, formula, baby food etc. every time we leave the house? Hank still has a bottle once a day and he still eats baby food, but we've expanded into oatmeal, peanut butter sandwiches, string cheese, cheerios, apple sauce, fruit cups, scrambled eggs, and his very favorite, quesadillas. It's so fun introducing him to new foods and seeing what he likes.

Maybelline Superstay Matte Ink Lipstick: My sister introduced me to this lipstick and I LOVE it! I am typically not a lipstick wearer. I hate how it bleeds and makes my lips dry. I usually use Burt's Bee's tinted lip balm or their shiny gloss. But this new Maybelline stuff is awesome. It lasts all day long and goes on like a gloss. I bought it in "Amazonian" which is a fun darker color.

Dr. Death Podcast: Last fall I became hooked on the Dirty John podcast (which is apparently now a show!). The Dr. Death podcast is similar and I love it! It's about a surgeon in Dallas who is quite the evil villain. I love podcasts, I love true crime, I love the combo of the two. This is a 7 episode series that will have you taking the long way around to listen for a bit more.

Hank Meeting Santa: We just had to! Last Christmas, Hank was only 1 week old, so in many ways, this year feels like his first Christmas. Hank is very inquisitive and observant and he was his typical sweet self when meeting the Big Guy. We were anticipating a crazy wait but it wasn't bad. It was pricey (yikes) but I know we'll enjoy these photos for years to come.

I can hardly believe it's officially that crazy Christmas season. The kids are on sugar highs, there's tons to squeeze in, and I admit, I feel like I've been stressed lately with getting things together at school, home, and for the holidays. I took some time today to chill and watched a holiday movie (We Are the Coopers....I liked it). I'm trying to be cognizant of slowing down, just embracing some of the crazy, and getting back to the real reason for the season. It's so easy to get lost in the mayhem. I'm excited to dive into this Advent season and prepare for the birth of our Savior.....all while sipping a caramel brulee latte, I'm not a Grinch, people!

Savor Your Sparkle,

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