Friday, September 7, 2018

What I'm Loving Lately

Hi Everyone! It's time for another edition of What I'm Loving Lately! Lots of beautiful blessings to celebrate. Here we go....

1. Hank! This boy is so much fun. He's nearly 9 months old and I LOVE this phase. He has one itty bitty baby tooth coming in. Yay! We love going for walks and playing with blocks. I swore I'd never wear one of those teething necklaces because umm, gross, but guys, I ordered one and Hank loves it! I got a marble looking one so it's a cute accessory too. Win-win. I ordered it (and a cute paci clip) from this cute Etsy shop (thanks to the mommas at Little Gym for the recommendation!). We just adore our Hankster. I live for his giggles and smiles! And I have three words for teething: Come Lord Jesus. Ha!

The teething necklace 

2. FALL: I know, I know, it's not fall yet, and I haven't even had a PSL yet (I have my first one with Hadley. Click here and here to read about our special fall tradition). BUT, I feel that chill in the morning air, have my pumpkin candle lit nightly, have even been rocking my pumpkin spice latte shirt and I feel it's my civic duty to share that the Pumpkin Maple cake from The Chocolate is perfection on a plate. Now if only the temp would drop enough for infinity scarves, I'd be super pumped.
Dainty Digits worked her magic on my nails this past weekend 

This PSL shirt is from Torrid. That shirt + old navy yoga pants + hat +flip flops while I still can= September Saturday uniform
3. Getting in a Groove: Please tell me I was not the only one who had a moment transitioning back to school this year. My goodness, the early wake ups, the whole long day away from home (and Hank!), balancing act, teaching 24 small humans thing threw me for a loop this year. I finally feel like I'm hitting my stride again and falling back into the groove. And that is something worth loving! My kiddos know the expectations, I remember what I'm doing (most days), and I'm ready to navigate this school year with my cute little crew. Bout time. Sheesh.

4. Books: If you missed my August book review, click here. I just finished a book that I LOVED and cannot wait to share my September books with you at the end of the month. My library holds are coming in faster than I can keep up and I love having a long "to read" list! I know I've said it before, but I cannot emphasize enough how much joy reading brings me and how happy I am that I decided to really commit to it a few years ago.

5. This picture made me laugh. AJ and I were in bed reading by 8:30 this past Saturday night and I asked him if he remembered when we used to be cool. He responded with, "Umm, we never were." True, true. Lol.

6. Batiste Dry Shampoo: If I want to get in a workout on a school day, that's cool. But if I want to work out on a school day AND blow dry and flat iron my hair, well, that just ain't gonna happen. Enter, dry shampoo. I've tried a few varieties and this one is my fave. I've also heard a quick blow dry after dry shampooing amps up the volume and I am here for that.

7. Blueberry Maple Pancakes Candle: THIS CANDLE IS PROBS MY FAVE CANDLE EVER. There, I said it. 

8. When AJ "flies" Hank around. These guys are goofballs and love rough-housing. Watching them fills my heart. 

Have a great weekend!
Savor Your Sparkle,

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