Sunday, August 19, 2018

Back To School

Well, the time is upon us: Back to School! This year will be my 10th year of teaching 1st grade and whoa boy, there have been so many ups and downs over the years. Within one school year, heck, within one week, I can go from "I was born to do this, I love my students so much my heart might burst" to "Why am I doing this? I am so frustrated, tired, burned out." And you know what? Both of those responses are totally 100% "normal" and okay.

 I have made my home in the classroom and most days, there is no place I'd rather spend my days. I think about my future students all summer long and know we will learn and grow so much over this next year.
Here are some old posts I wrote about teaching:

You Might Be An Elementary Teacher If....
Letting Go
A Letter to my students on the first day
Lunch Packing

One of my favorite aspects of teaching has been, and will always be, the incredible people I have met and befriended in this field. I know I'm biased being an educator (and married to one, too!), but teachers are incredible people. The teachers I have met and have had the privilege of working along side are kind, hilarious, energetic, passionate, all around cool people, and it has been an honor being in their ranks each year.

This year our school asked us to define our "why." The reason we get up each day and do what we do. The trick was, it had to be summed up in one word. The one I chose? Hope. I have so much hope for our future and want to interact with the builders of I teach. Too many people have a pessimistic outlook on the future and "kids today" and I get that. But the truth is, if you aren't comfortable with the direction things are heading in, how are you personally going to have a positive impact? It's easy to sit back and complain about kids and the state of our nation's schools. It's more challenging, and much much much more fulfilling, to be part of the solution. And as anyone who has worked with young people knows, the future is very bright. Happy 2018-2019 school year!

Savor Your Sparkle,

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