Thursday, August 16, 2018

Hank: 8 Months!

I love keeping a record of our adventures, activities, and ups and downs here on the blog, so obvi I have to do a little update on Hank at 8 months old! He officially turns 8 months old tomorrow. To see other Hank posts, click HERE

I know I say this every single month, but this phase is my FAVORITE! I love watching him discover new things, play, laugh, smile, and express himself. Hank is super interactive at this phase and it's just so much fun.

Hank's favorites right now are: bubbles, Little Gym classes, walks, naps with daddy on the living room floor, his Skip Hop baby seat, the ceiling fan, chewing on everything, and "flying" onto our bed.

Hank has had a variety of foods this month but no solids (besides avocado and banana in the mesh feeder) yet. We tried some baby "MumMums" rice cake things that he just sort of licked. His favorite (still) is oatmeal with butternut squash but he's recently been into pear cinnamon oatmeal. He still has a fruit (or a fruit/veggie combo) late morning and has "dinner" (a veggie and usually rice cereal or oatmeal) around 5:00. He is not interested in food when he first gets up and only wants his "ba." He has 3-4 bottles a day and sucks them down hungrily!

Hank wakes up between 7-8 every day. He's gotten up as early as 6:30 and as late as 9:00, though. He makes noises to let us know he's awake and ready to start the day. I've tried lately to not go get him right away because sometimes he'll coo and then sleep for another half hour or so. We've been moving our bedtime routine up because school is starting and I could tell staying up till 8:30 was just too late for him. We try and head upstairs around 7:30, he takes a bath (in the big tub.....a game changer!), we read a story, he has his night bottle, we brush his gums, and he usually starts dozing right after and we put him in his crib with his lullabies playing. Sometimes he'll fuss when we lay him down and either I'll leave him and he'll pass out eventually or we'll bring him to our bed to lay until he falls asleep.

We are working with ALL kinds of sizes in the clothing department. He wears 9 months, 12 months, and even some 18 months. My favorites right now are the Gap Kids 6-12 month clothes. Those fit him well. He's in size 3 diapers but I was thinking of trying a size 4. We went through a 2 week phase this month of a blow out but now that's over so who knows?! I'm not moving him up until we finish our Costco supply. Ha!
 We love our joyful and handsome Hank Grayson so much! Happy 8 months, little man!
Savor Your Sparkle,

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